Our Skilled Exterminators Can Help You Get Rid of Ants
Get rid of your ant problems with the help of our pest control services. Ants, depending on their species, can be harmful to you, your pets or your home. The most common varieties of ants found in the Las Vegas valley include Argentine ants, Southern Fire ants, Black ants, and Carpenter ants.
WB Pest Control has been in this business since 2009. We're an all-inclusive, family owned and operated business. All our services are GUARANTEED;
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Most Common Varieties of Ants
Ants, like many insects, start their life as an egg. They hatch into a grub-like larva and grow into pupae. The pupae evolve into adult ants.
- Fire ants - They are the most aggressive of the varieties, showing no fear towards humans and sting when they are approached. Their sting are extremely painful and can cause dangerous allergic reactions in some.
- Carpenter ants - They don't attack humans but they feed on your home. They can be a nuisance by eating their way through your home until there is nothing left for them to feast on.
- Argentine ants - These ants will not bite or eat your home but they breed so quickly that it only takes a few months for a single colony to take over your property with upwards of 500,000 ants.
- Worker ants - These ants can live up to seven years and the queen may live up to 15.
- Southern Fire ants
- Black ants
- Odorous House ants
- Pavement ants
Extermination Service for Bees
Though bees help our vegetation to flourish by collecting pollen from one plant and transporting it over to the next, they can be a hazard if they congregate near or in your home. Their sting is quite painful and can be deadly to anyone with a bee allergy. Contact us today if bees pose a threat to your family.
Bee colonies include the queen bee that mates and lays eggs throughout her life, female worker bees that do not reproduce, and male drones that exist to fertilize the queen and then die. The female worker bees only live around six weeks yet queens can live up to five years! Our exceptional team are well-trained for removal of bees. Do not try to do this yourself as bees attack in force when frightened.
Types of Bees Found in the Las Vegas Valley Area
- Mining bee
- Cuckoo bee
- Africanized bee
- Honeybee
- Carpenter bee
- Chalcid wasp
- Sweat bee
- Leaf-cutter bee
- Spider wasp
- Scarab-hunter wasp
- Yellow jacket or hornet